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Perspectives On Ecocritical Studies

The book Perspective on Ecocritical Studies is an anthology of critical articles on representation of environment and nature in some of the literary works. The very first article explores the idea and concept of representation of nature in literary works. It has been written by Anju Dhir with the title “Representation of Nature and Environment in World Literature”. Vishesh Kumar Pandey has expressed his environmental consciousness through special reference to one of the best novels by Munsi Prem Chand’s The Godan which was translated by into English in later half of the 20th century. The title of his paper is “Ecocritical Perspective in The Godan”. The third article of the book, “Breaking The ‘Circle’: Exploring The Context Of Ecofeminism In Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing” has been written by Poulomi Modak. In which she has critically examined the novel, Surfacing by Margaret Atwood. The next article by Antara Saha’s with the title “An Exegesis of Ecocriticism: Anita Desai’s Fire on the Mountain” is well explored to show representation of environment in the novel Fire on the Mountain.  The article “Eco-Human Cohesion in John Steinbeck’s Novel The Grapes of Wrath: An Ecocritical Approach” by Paramita Bhaduli is notable to represent humanistic approach to nature. The next article of the book has been written collaboratly  by SamjailaTh, Dr. Soumya Jose, and Dr. Sony. Jalarajan. Raj’s with title “Ecosophy and Vision Quest: An Exploration into Drew Hayden Taylor’s The Boy in the Treehouse”. It shows representation of green studies and hexicological study of the text. C. Blessy’s “Perspectives on Eco-Critical Studies” has special attention to the works of Chinua Achebe and Franz Fanon and it also presents a short description of the origin and the history of the term ecocriticism. Sandip Kumar Mishra in his article with the title “Pather Panchali-Song of the Road: A Study from the Green Perspectives” has explored literary importance of Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay and his works. The article “Ecocritical Study of Anita Desai’s Fire on the Mountain: A Re-reading” by Ali Mojiz Rizvi exposes a environmental phenomenal dimension of the novel. In “Self transplantation and Rootlessness: An Ecocritical Perspectives in the select novels of V. S. Naipaul”, Shri Sunil Uttam Fulsawange has critically examined some novels of the V. S Naipaul. Armeen  Kaur  Ahuja’s article with title “Guru  Nanak’s  Baramaah  Tukhari  and  Malik  Muhammad  Jayasi’s  Baramasa  Nagmati  viyog  khand-Padmavat  through  the  lens  of  Akash  theory” is wonderful exploration in which works some Hindi and Punjabi writers have been discussed. Dr. Chittaranjan Misra’s paper “From Peanuts to Padma: Haldhar Nag’s Odyssey through Poetry”, is on a poet who made poetry ordinary to extraordinary by his labour and dedication. The article by Ram Avadh Prajajpti is on a well known contemporary poet, Syed Ameeruddin’s and  his poetic collection, Petallic Love Times. The article written by B. D. Mandal with the title “Ecocriticism: A New Theory of Reading Literature” is very pertinent to the theme of the book. Through this article B.D. Mandal has tried to present a survey and relevance of ecocritical reading in the modern age. Goutam Karmakar’s paper “Unmasking the Ecocritical Imperatives: The Resistance Discourse in the Selected Poems of Vihang A. Naik & Muhammad Haji Salleh” explores ecoconsciousness in the poetry of Vihang A. Naik and Muhammad Haji Salleh. Vihang A. Naik is very enthusiastic and conscious poet. Most of his poems are on the problems and dealings of the modern age. The next article has been written by Dipak Giri with title “A study of Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things from the Perspective of Ecofeminism”

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